Hoofbeats Kitties on Staff

Posted By Hoofbeats on Nov 21, 2009 |

Pat the CatHoofbeats has 3 kitties on  our staff!  Billy Rae Kitty came to live at the center in October 2010.  She is a grey Tortoiseshell of perfect camouflage markings.  She is very excited to help with the Literacy program currently in development and with general pest control issues.  Billie Rae was lonely, so we added a second kitty, “Puddin”, to the mix !  Puddin is a tan and white doll baby! She helps with all computer work and with  hospitality issues.

Puddin in blog mode

Pat the Cat assists with lessons  and  helps  with the lesson program.

Recently, an unexpected addition was uncovered in the hay trailer.  Boogie and her five children.  If anyone else drops a cat off at Hoofbeats, I will hunt you down.