The Virginia Military Institute , Washington & Lee and James Madison University were out in force! We love our volunteers!
Hoofbeats hosted a Special Olympics Session starting March 1 to ready a team to go to the VMI Games to represent the Equestrian Venue. At the same time, the Rockbridge Hunt Pony Club began practice for the Old Dominion Region Dressage Rally the same weekend! Riders from RHPC came early and stayed late helping with Sova lessons. On Friday, April 5th, a four man team arrived at the VHC show grounds at 6:00am to start their competition. On Saturday at 9:00, the rest of our therapy herd and 19 Special Olympians arrived to start their competition!
Everyone did an outstanding job including all riders, all horses, all volunteers, and all of our families, to make everything run smoothing at both venues! The RHPC girls placed second overall in Horse Management and fourth overall in riding. Danielle Midkiff won championship overall in Equitation,Dressage,and trail at the Sova show. Lynda McGarry was the judge this year for Sova. Thank you, Lynda! And Linda Clemments was the hostess with the mostest for the after show Dinner and Dancing! Thank you to everyone who made this great weekend happen! Special thanks to the Lexington Presbyterian Ladies for the wonderful new games and equipment that made the show so colorfull and fun!
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